滤纸真实倾斜性格档案™(True Tilt Personality Profile
敏捷成长跟踪器™ - 即将推出!
积极影响力预测器™ (Positive Influence Predictor™)
收集 12 种关键性格优势的反馈,衡量你对他人的积极影响。

多年来,我使用过很多测评工具,但到目前为止,我最喜欢的还是 Tilt 365 的全套测评工具。他们的模型和哲学基础以研究为后盾,以积极心理学为基础,以敏捷性和平衡性为前提,创造了比 "个性评估 "更多的东西。我强烈建议你探索一下他们的模型。本周,我刚刚为我的新领导购买了评估报告,包括为我自己购买的 360 度评估报告。这些报告详尽易读,具有可操作性。我对他们的评价真是不胜枚举。

TILT365 框架和评估与辅导相结合,确实很有启发性,与我之前所做的任何事情都不同。Tilt 的方法帮助我消除了我自己都没有意识到的障碍,这些障碍确实阻碍了我的成长,给我带来了许多不必要的压力。我所获得的洞察力对我来说是巨大的转变,它不仅帮助我成为一名更好的领导者,还帮助我成为一个更强大的人。我真希望能在我职业生涯的早期遇到她,但很高兴现在能认识她。




我已经向 4 位同事推荐了这本书。我是一名退休的心理学家,但这本书描述了如何应对我的一些弱点的实用见解,这是我从未想到过的。关于与不同性格的人合作的章节也很有用。


人格测评是一项调查,用于测量个人偏好的态度、信念和性格特征。它旨在深入了解个人独特的个性特征、态度和心理假设模式,从而预测行为。例如,认为 "大多数人都是出于好意 "的态度可以预测一个人在人际关系策略中的信任行为。
Tilt365 评估如何帮助我实现个人发展?
Tilt 基于优势的评估可以提高你对自然行为模式和可能被过度使用或未被充分利用的特质或长期积累的优势的自我了解和自我意识,使你能够更有意识地选择如何以更积极的方式进行互动。Tilt 的评估不会仅仅把你放在一个 "类型 "的框框里,这会产生自我限制的信念,它还能告诉你如何提高灵活性,以利用你拥有的所有资源。
什么是 True Tilt Personality Profile™?
The True Tile Personality Profile™ 是基于神经科学和性格科学的性格测评。它提供深入、个性化的见解,不仅帮助人们了解他们倾向于做什么,而且通过分享潜在动机,帮助人们了解他们为什么这样做。它还能提供具体建议,以提高平衡性和敏捷性。测试时间为 5-10 分钟,测试结果将在一个令人难忘的可视化框架内报告。True Tile Personality Profile™ 通过四个象限来测量个人的思维和感觉偏好,即复原力、勇气、智慧和人性:
- 韧性--思想驱动,积极乐观。- 人性--以人为本,善于接受。
- 勇气--以结果为导向,风格大胆。
- 智慧--数据驱动,注重历史。这些象限中包含的每种优势都存在于每个人身上,但并非所有优势都得到了同等发展。
什么是 Agility Growth Tracker™?
敏捷成长追踪器(Agility Growth Tracker™)是一款基于神经科学和性格科学的性格测评工具,用于测量敏捷成长。它能评估 12 种性格优势的发展情况,这些优势与更高水平的积极影响力和社会创造力相关。它还能评估在某些情况下可能带来挑战的 12 种潜在性格脱轨因素。测试时间为 10-15 分钟,用于持续跟踪成长情况。测试结果将通过一个易于记忆的可视化框架进行报告。敏捷度成长追踪工具(Agility Growth Tracker™)可以测量 12 种关键性格优势的平衡:信任、同理心、亲和力、开放性、灵感、创造力、自信、大胆、正直、勤奋、专注和远见。每个人都有这些性格优势,但往往并不平衡。它还指出了在这 12 种特质中的每一种特质中,因极端态度而产生的潜在脱轨因素。
正面影响力预测器™ 是基于神经科学和性格科学的 360 度反馈评估。它通过收集来自不同利益相关者的证据,收集对预测积极影响力的 48 种性格特征的反馈。它通过一个圆周图,比较来自不同利益相关者群体的自我评价和他人看法,报告 12 种关键性格优势的结果。
积极影响力预测器™ 可测量 12 种关键性格优势(信任、同理心、亲和力、开放性、灵感、创造力、自信、大胆、正直、勤奋、专注和远见)中的可观察行为,并根据他人的反馈报告数据。每个人都有这些性格优势,但往往不平衡。
How do Tilt 365 assessments differ from other personality assessments?
Tilt365 personality assessments are unique because they are based on the modern understanding that personality is not fixed, but changes over time. This allows for the development of an agile (mature and balanced) personality that is able to mindfully adapt to different situations and changing contexts.
Most popular personality tests in the last century tend to profile people into “types” (now an outdated concept) and employ the use of hard-to-remember acronyms, making them difficult to put into practice for L&D purposes. For this reason, the team at Tilt365 designs assessments based on an easy-to-remember visual framework that invite users to expand beyond a “type” and form a common language regarding personal and team development that is memorable, and thus, applicable.
Additionally, as Tilt assessments are designed for development purposes, deployed on a SaaS platform that enables retakes by individuals and teams as often as desired for a full year to monitor change over time. This offers the organization human analytics to support their development programs with evidence of change over time.
Are Tilt 365 assessment results scientifically credible?
The Tilt365 model is scientifically validated to measure what it says it measures. If you are interested in more details about the psychometric evidence for the True Tilt Personality Profile™ or other Tilt365 assessments, you can request our technical reports here. Predictive research indicates that using Tilt365 to develop ourselves and our teams can lead to positive changes such as creating a climate for creativity, innovation and generativity.
How often should Tilt 365 assessments be taken?
Tilt365 assessments can and should be taken on a regular basis to help individuals and teams track their progress and identify areas for continued development. We recommend re-takes any time a major change occurs at work or in life in general. Attitudes and patterns of interacting change constantly and as awareness increases, so do our self-perceptions and actions.
Do I need a coach to debrief the reports?
While the assessment reports can be interpreted by yourself, a coach can help you make deeper meaning and accelerate your growth experience. A coach is not required but may be very helpful. The value of engaging a Master Certified Practitioner, or coach, is that they can help you get results more quickly than you might on your own. This is because they have been trained in the Tilt framework and its implications and have achieved coaching certification through their national and international professional organizations.
What are the mindsets associated with the Tilt365 framework and assessments?
The Tilt365 framework indeed consists of the following mindsets:
· Protective Mindset: This mindset emphasizes self-preservation and maintaining personal boundaries. It focuses on self-protection, risk aversion, and ensuring personal well-being.
· Competitive Mindset: The Competitive mindset emphasizes striving for success, outperforming others, and achieving personal and organizational goals. It fosters a drive for achievement, ambition, and a focus on being the best.
· Integrative Mindset: The Integrative mindset emphasizes collaboration, teamwork, and seeking win-win outcomes. It promotes cooperation, synergy, and the ability to bring diverse perspectives together.
· Adaptive Mindset: The Adaptive mindset focuses on flexibility, agility, and the ability to navigate change. It involves being open to new ideas, adjusting to new circumstances, and continuously learning and evolving.
· Agile Mindset: The Agile mindset emphasizes responsiveness, adaptability, and embracing iterative approaches. It promotes the ability to pivot, experiment, and rapidly respond to feedback and changing requirements.
· Generative Mindset: The Generative mindset is considered the ideal mindset within the Tilt365 framework. It represents a mindset of growth, contribution, and making a positive impact. It encompasses qualities such as mentorship, collaboration, and leaving a meaningful legacy. It's important to note that the Tilt365 framework views these mindsets as a holarchy rather than a hierarchy. This means that each mindset has its own unique value and can be beneficial in different contexts. The framework recognizes that individuals may naturally lean towards one or more mindsets but encourages the development and integration of all mindsets to enhance overall effectiveness and adaptability.