

性格、优势和敏捷性评估 将传统评估提升到一个全新的水平,帮助您推动敏捷性。



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利用 Tilt-Agility™ 加快战略文化转变

当人们学会了 Tilt-Agility™ 的语言,他们就能 有意识地 快速倾斜,以适应不断变化的环境。








Team Agility Labs™ 解决实际问题。您可以在内部进行认证,也可以利用我们遍布全球的 Tilt 认证从业人员网络。


利用 Tilt 文化工具包(Tilt Culture Kit™)个性化组织信息,使人才战略与业务目标保持一致,增强目标感和意义感。



"迈克尔-尤利斯(Michael Euliss),励志演讲家兼国际领导力教练



无论您身处哪个行业,都能找到灵感。了解我们的客户如何利用 Tilt 获得深刻的个人和团队洞察力,从而加速领导力成长并创建健康、敏捷的企业文化


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文化是无形的,通过整个公司的共同行为和规范间接表达出来。它是人们期望其他人去做的事情,去遵循这个 "部落 "不明确的文化规范。










敏捷的公司是健康的。敏捷文化的基础和核心要素是强大的内部性格,这样才有可能实现创新。超越 "软技能",敏捷意味着专注、有影响力、有动力地朝着共同目标前进。具体来说,它意味着同时从智慧、勇气、韧性和人性出发开展工作。

如何将 Tilt365 评估用于领导力发展?

Tilt365 框架是一个心智模型,它展示了领导者的 12 种性格优势,这些优势可以营造出一种能够产生创新和创造力的团队氛围。它代表了一种领导艺术,其中包含了一系列优势,在稳定与变化之间形成必要的张力,从而帮助团队取得更好的业绩。Tilt365 测评结果可以为了解领导者的倾向提供有价值的见解,帮助确定领导技能可以改进的领域。它还能帮助领导者更好地了解团队成员的行为倾向,从而更有效地进行领导。






人格测评被用于从特质的角度将类型定性为 "错误的 "或 "坏的",这是一种典型的滥用。基于 "类型 "的招聘也经常被滥用,例如,在没有科学依据的情况下,暗示一个人的 "类型 "适合或不适合某项工作或角色。这就是为什么有些评估应该经过严格测试才能用于招聘的原因。

Can I use these assessments for hiring/selection/promotion?

Tilt365 assessments are designed for use in development and not specifically researched for use in selection criteria. Many organizations use Tilt365 assessments in onboarding very early post-selection and can be used in conjunction with other selection methods that ensure a thorough hiring process.

Although personality is not a protected class, assigning a single personality to an individual under the impression that they cannot change is a type of profiling that if used as the basis for hiring, firing, promotions, demotions, or succession planning can potentially violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”), and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”).

At Tilt365, we recommend hiring people for their skills, knowledge, abilities and character strengths, not their personality traits.

Why should I use Tilt365 assessments if my organization already uses other assessments?

Many personality assessments don’t provide memorable results. And what you can't remember, you won't be likely to apply. Yes, people are more complex than four patterns, but most business leaders don't have time to learn numerous letter combinations and types that are not linked to a business framework. The Tilt patterns are easy to remember because they clearly describe the associated behavioral patterns. For example, 'Connection' Tilts enjoy making and maintaining social connections. Tilt addresses the additional complexity of humans through the Unique Amplifier™, which is unique to each individual.

To take a deeper dive, visit our two blogs on why we built a better personality assessment for agile teams and the slightly brighter truth behind personality assessments. Taking the True Tilt Personality assessment, you can skip right to finding your strengths in as little as five minutes.

What are the mindsets associated with the Tilt365 framework and assessments?

The Tilt365 framework indeed consists of the following mindsets:

· Protective Mindset: This mindset emphasizes self-preservation and maintaining personal boundaries. It focuses on self-protection, risk aversion, and ensuring personal well-being.

· Competitive Mindset: The Competitive mindset emphasizes striving for success, outperforming others, and achieving personal and organizational goals. It fosters a drive for achievement, ambition, and a focus on being the best.

· Integrative Mindset: The Integrative mindset emphasizes collaboration, teamwork, and seeking win-win outcomes. It promotes cooperation, synergy, and the ability to bring diverse perspectives together.

· Adaptive Mindset: The Adaptive mindset focuses on flexibility, agility, and the ability to navigate change. It involves being open to new ideas, adjusting to new circumstances, and continuously learning and evolving.

· Agile Mindset: The Agile mindset emphasizes responsiveness, adaptability, and embracing iterative approaches. It promotes the ability to pivot, experiment, and rapidly respond to feedback and changing requirements.

· Generative Mindset: The Generative mindset is considered the ideal mindset within the Tilt365 framework. It represents a mindset of growth, contribution, and making a positive impact. It encompasses qualities such as mentorship, collaboration, and leaving a meaningful legacy.

It's important to note that the Tilt365 framework views these mindsets as a holarchy rather than a hierarchy. This means that each mindset has its own unique value and can be beneficial in different contexts. The framework recognizes that individuals may naturally lean towards one or more mindsets but encourages the development and integration of all mindsets to enhance overall effectiveness and adaptability.

What does the Tilt365 framework and assessments measure?

The Tilt365 framework measures four dimensions referred to as meta-strengths. These dimensions are:

· Humanity: The Humanity meta-strength focuses on empathy, compassion, and the ability to connect with others on an emotional level. It encompasses qualities such as understanding, kindness, and building strong relationships.

· Wisdom: The Wisdom meta-strength emphasizes critical thinking, judgment, and the ability to make informed decisions. It involves seeking knowledge, applying experience, and demonstrating sound reasoning.

· Courage: The Courage meta-strength encompasses bravery, taking risks, and overcoming fears. It involves stepping outside of one's comfort zone, embracing challenges, and showing resilience in the face of adversity.

· Resilience: The Resilience meta-strength centers on bouncing back from setbacks, adapting to change, and maintaining a positive mindset. It involves perseverance, flexibility, and the ability to recover and grow from difficult situations.

These meta-strengths reflect important aspects of personal and professional development, and they provide a framework for understanding and enhancing one's capabilities in these dimensions. By assessing and developing these meta-strengths, individuals can cultivate a well-rounded approach to their personal growth and performance.

How does the Tilt365 framework relate to agile attributes and principles?

Tilt365 is a personality development framework (and assessments) that aims to help individuals develop and enhance their strengths across various dimensions. While there isn't a specific 'Agile' personality, you can learn to Tilt intentionally and incorporate the following agile attributes into your personal development to align with agile principles:

· Adaptability: Embrace change and cultivate a mindset that sees opportunities in shifting circumstances. Practice flexibility and be open to new ideas, approaches, and feedback.

· Collaborator: Strengthen your ability to work effectively with others. Foster a collaborative mindset, actively listen to others, share knowledge, and contribute to team success.

· Communicator: Hone your communication skills to convey ideas clearly and concisely. Foster effective and transparent communication with team members, stakeholders, and customers.

· Problem Solver: Develop strong problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Embrace a proactive attitude towards identifying and resolving challenges to keep projects on track.

· Self-Motivator: Cultivate self-motivation and take ownership of your work. Set clear goals, manage your time effectively, and stay focused on delivering value and meeting deadlines.

· Growth Mindset: Adopt a growth mindset that values continuous learning and improvement. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, seek out feedback, and actively pursue personal and professional development.

By incorporating these agile skills into your personal development journey, you can enhance your abilities and align them with the principles of agility. Remember, developing an 'agile personality' is about embracing the agile mindset, embracing collaboration and adaptability, and continuously improving your skills and approach to work.