The Tilted Edge

Laser Coaching Masterclass

Written by Admin | Jul 9, 2024 11:53:54 PM

I have been an executive coach for over 20 years and felt I was having a real impact on my coaching clients. I leveraged my ICF-approved Presence-based coaching training with Doug Silsbee to tap into my clients' emotional, cognitive, and physical states, integrating these three experiences into a holistic approach.

I was not looking for another coaching certification, but then I got exposure to the Laser Coaching method by chance. Since I like to learn new things, I was ready to explore what this had to offer but was initially skeptical that it would make a difference for me after so many years of coaching experience. After all, I was already a PCC coach with ICF.

How I was wrong! I was fascinated by the Laser Coaching approach, which gave me simple but powerful tools to stay out of the person’s story and focus on how the client was contributing to the problem and finding out why it was a problem for them in the first place. Fascinating. I learned the more profound art of active listening and asking questions that would increase the person’s insights versus satisfying my own desire to learn more about them. It allowed me to go a few levels deeper, not letting things go but digging under the surface level to understand the root cause of problems. 

Equipped with this knowledge, together with two other highly experienced coaches, we decided to develop our own version of the Laser Coaching Masterclass, which combines the Laser method with the Tilt coaching framework and themes. With this powerful pairing of understanding the underlying human dynamics, seeing why people do what they do, and overlaying this with lasering in what is contributing to the suffering of the person, we get coaches to not waste time anymore on side stories.

During our last class, we asked people to write a letter to their past self and future self, where they were before starting our Laser Coaching Masterclass, and where they were after four months of intense training. Each time I am fascinated by the fact that coaches see their personal growth journey as important as their coach growth journey. I agree if coaches have done their own work and are mature, they are less in need to satisfy their own agenda and can more freely support the growth work of their clients.

For more information about our Laser Coaching Masterclass, please visit our website.